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June 06, 2015     Post 63
short video update

pledges are still coming in. We're about half way through the calendar with 13 days to go and also about half way towards the needed total (5500) thanks to a couple of 'off line" pledges.There's still time to pledge. Beat the rush.

I have continued to go 'fishing' with the Go Pro camera.Chris has a You Tube video of some rough footage up of sunnies and bowfin and gobies. go to You Tube and search for chris gateley fish of lake ontario to find it.

since then I have gotten more video of bait fish and gobies. Still hoping to catch an alewife school in the open lake- meantime follow the crowd to our Kickstarter site and check out the most recent update-(drone photography)

note about bowfin in video- the bowfin in the video were apparently chowing down on eggs deposited by a huge school of spawning shiners. The ragged fins could indicate a female as the Internet says the males are rather rough on the ladies when they do their own spawning thing. If so, the old lady fish seems like quite the camera hog. I would love to find a bowfin guarding his brood of babies later this summer- we shall see.

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